Satruday morning was a fine time at Rudy's

As of Friday afternoon, the ownership of TOPAZ, the powder blue, 1967 Ford Galaxie 500 was transferred from Lani Malysa to Ray Langley. Glad to keep this one in the club. (Pictured above- Lani and TOPAZ)

New wheels and tires for Bob's 1947 Dodge Midway pickup have it looking great!

October 6th-12th

This week in the club was quite busy as we successfully managed the Thunderbird Casino car show with more than 210 cars, supported the Norman Swap Meet from Wednesday afternoon thru Sunday by offering coffee and donuts, as well as a fun gathering space for club members and friends alike.

This was the most profitable show we have seen, and the club treasury is ready for the club Christmas Party on Saturday December 14th.

If this wasn’t enough, Saturday was the first Okie Nationals (photos left), a joint car club project between CRC and five other area club, in the planning stages for almost a year.

We participated in facilitating the show on Saturday and showed cars also. Hopefully next year the swap meet and show will fall on different dates. That show drew another 211 vehicles and could grow much larger as a regional show.

At any rate, we were all coming and going all week. Thanks everyone for the hard work.

Our roving reporter, James Hileman, was in Cromwell, OK this weekend. Photos below.


This is a very good car show and we are sorry if you happened to miss it. Thunderbird gave away $2,600 in cash prizes today. We had more than 211 cars in the show with about 15 non-registered cars. The day turned out to be drop-dead gorgeous and everyone seemed to be having a good event. The club made $2,500 as our payment for running the car show for Thunderbird. All of this money goes in the bank and will fund the trophies, portalets, coffee, donuts and other things we do at Rose Rock, Food and Shelter, The DAV Veteran Show, and Moore Olde Town show. 

The proceeds of registration from those shows all go either to the Food and Shelter Veteran Housing Fund, or to the Disabled American Veteran (DAV), Oklahoma-Chapter Veteran Recreation Fund. 

In either case your registration positively affects our Veterans. We thank you for the support of our car show activities in Moore, Noble, and Norman!

The car snapshots to the right were taken at the show, and may be enlarged by clicking on them. This was one person's attept to capture two things: First some beautiful restorations like the 1961 Chevy and the 1955 Chevy.....

then to capture many of the really nice orphan cars that may not have been made for years, like the Corvair and Falcon, the Edsel and the Rambler. While you are looking, check out the white 1963? Chrysler 300 which is really beautiful....

Then there were the unique cars like the Model T "SPEEDSTER", the Sambar, and the BMW ISetta (one door)

OHRA Car Show - Mustang Oklahoma

The Canadian River Cruisers are often listed among Food and Shelter’s group of “CHAMPION GIVERS”. This places us in their top 10 or 20 annual donors, among a number of the large churches. Needless to say, we are the only car club on this list. And we are proud of the good things we do in our community. 
Below: Photos from the Cleveland County Free Fair in Norman: Winners were Dan, Billy, and Lawrence........

We learned recently that one of the club's founding members, Jim Reinish, or as most people called him "PANELMAN", has been moved into a full service retirement home in Oklahoma City. He is at Saint Anne's Retirement Center on the north side of OKC.....

daughter Amanda reports he is doing better there than he was at home. 

It was fun to see Ray Waldron this morning. For those of you who don't know Ray, he is a founding memeber of the club, owns a nice Chevelle, and a classic 57 Chevy. He also owns (and is PROTECTIVE OF) this classic 1996 vintage motorala flip phone.... since he is the last remaining person on the 2G network in America.... he has excellent coverage. Photo below!


Wayne, left in photo, was recently asked by sculpturist

 (Kyle Windrix who is of course in the cRc)..... if Kyle could do a bronze rendition of Wayne for an art project in Tulsa. Wayne agreed and so the casting is currently being done. 

We will await the final results which will be posted here at a later date! This photo taken when Wayne and Dave were testing various Covid mask designs....this one did not make it into production was was successfully used at our 15th CRC birthday party.......


The club wishes to thank Carol and Jim Hoffman for the great pre-planning and execution of our fall cRuise. In fact ALL OF OUR CRUISES ARE IMAGINED, ORGANIZED, TESTED, PLANNED, and EXECUTED by Carol and Jim. THANKS!!!!!
Saturday August 24th, a BLOCKBUSTER COMBO of coffee call at BOOMERANG  and then our Fall cRuise to Medicine Park and Mount Scott!!!

A drop-dead gorgeous view awaited 18 cRc members laden with full tummies from our meal at Riverside Cafe in Medicine Park. 

Carol and Jim had a private dining room waiting for us when we arrived and we bypassed the que and had our own dedicated waitstaff. 

 Everyone's vehicle made it easily to the top and it was worth the visions of "plummeting end over end down a near vertical cliff" to make the  exciting drive up and down the mountain......but we all survived. 

During lunch, we were treated to an excellent  lecture by Emeritus Geology Professor and senior cRc member Jock Campbell who helped us (as well as the wait-staff) understand where all those little round cannonball size rocks came from that are unique to this part of Oklahoma and most of the United States. We also learned why "fracking" can cause minor earthquakes.

Well first things first.....who took a slightly wrong turn in Elgin and finally had to resort to using Google Maps to find us? 

We were oh-so close also. Well, we're not saying who that was, but we are saying that the drive down was quite pretty on the very "green-for-August" back country roads of Oklahoma. 

Medicine Park was hoppin! In these photos above, Carol issues route instructions to Roy for the Elgin to Medicine Park run. They were like " Follow Ken's Cadillac and don't let Dave and Marilyn pass you because they are supposed to be bringing up the rear!

Members Sam Klatt, Dan Haggerty, and Kimmer Phillippi helped fabricate the trophies that will be used for the OKIE Nationals car show in October.  A big thank you to them!
cRc Coffee N' Carbs at Midway Deli today, Aug. 17th. 

We had a supersized morning at Midway Deli with some great cars coming in. 

Kimmer drove his new red hot-rod, which was a big hit.

Coach Switzer stopped by again this week and enjoyed conversing about the cars, as well as providing a photo op for the cRc members.

Dave and Marilyn's 1999 Jaguar XJ8-L is loaded and bound for Osterville, MA. where it has been given to their youngest daughter, Melissa. Despite it being a Jag, it was and still is a well running vehicle with less than 95,000 miles on it. Dave hopes it continues to run well!!!
Photos from the Shawnee Car Show which was held on June 22nd. Photos by James.
Dateline: Sat April 6, Midway Grocery, WORLD CRC HEADQUARTERS......nice springtime coffee this morning where we had a reunion with Amanda and Abigale (VW bug and VW Thing). They both looked great and it was good so see them.
Update of action (or lack of action) at the OK DINER in the terminal building at Westheimer Field. 

We all read the Transcript article about an "OZZIE'S replacement" in the old terminal restaurant space. Well, sadly I drove over there today and took these is the same space as 3 years ago when Ozzie's closed, nothing has changed EXCEPT they removed all the tables and prep counters, but painted a new sign. 

I spoke with one of the terminal employees and was told there are some construction contracts that OU is going to be awarding soon, which re-targets the opening date until (with luck) football season. Not a workman in sight. 

CRC joins federation of 12 central Oklahoma car clubs to bring a large regional car show to Yukon...the Okie Nationals are reborn. 

Meetings have been taking place monthly at "Grill on the Hill" in Capital Hill district. Meetings between area car clubs to determine if there is sufficient interest to put on an area wide car show to replace the one that was lost last year at the OKC fairgrounds. The CRC has joined with the coalition of a dozen or more clubs. 

Led by CRC member Sam Klatt and several others to be recruited and announced, the clubs have agreed in principle to do what is surely to be a massive car show at FREEDOM TRAIL PARK in Yukon, Oklahoma on Saturday, October 12, 2024. 

There will be more information to follow as all the details are yet to be finalized, but let us just say that the CRC plans to be very well represented at that show. Thank you Sam and others who volunteered your time to make this a reality. 

Carol's Spring Cruise: The club had its 2024 cruise and it was great. About 15 members and guests made the cruise up near Edmond to the 45th Infantry museum and a burger lunch at S and B burgers in automobile alley afterwards. Carol and Jim do a great job planning and leading the annual adventures. While there, Carol learned about a race car museum in Alma, Oklahoma so get ready for  2025’s cruise!

A great weather morning as CRC members rolled in with lots of classic cars (see the video to the right, and we hosted the Jaguar Club of Oklahoma at breakfast. We had a good "spring style turnout" and with the great weather and Rudy's parking lot that is quite suitable for wandering around, well it was a good morning. Also, Zack drove in a new, yet temporary addition to the club, a green over black 1941 Chevy 6-cylinder pickup. Terry's red over black is a 1942 model but it is very hard to tell them apart.