The club welcomes Corey and Catherine Still and their1926 Model T to the club!
A nice Veteran remembrance from the Roberson's is posted on the Veteran Center page. veteran--center.php
Meet our newest cRc members here Welcome-New-Members.php


Coffee starts at 7:30a. Our booth is set up and ready. Bring those parts on down! See the below calendar for further info.

October - 2024

Thursday thru Saturday October 10-11-12 HOT ROD SWAP MEET, Cleveland County Fairgrounds our booth. Coffee and donuts about 7:30- on, buy and sell your parts at the booth, have fun, meet old friends...make new friends....bring your old parts to sell at our triple booth, west side, inside arena building where we have always been... one of the many benefits of your CRC membership. See you there!!!!!    And then on Saturday it is off to Yukon for some of us to the first annual OKIE NATIONALS CAR SHOW, a joint project by 6 area car clubs including your CRC......we will have some members continue to staff the booth on Saturday and hock stuff......


Saturday October 12 - Date of OKIE NATIONALS joint car-club car show. THE OKIE NATIONALS - 6 great car clubs, of which the CRC is but 1 are pooling their resources and holding a REGIONAL CAR SHOW in YUKON at the Chisolm Trail Park. Sam, Terry, Dan, Kimmer, and several others are working hard to make this show a reality. There will be several "hand-made" (very, very nice) trophies to be handed out by each club. PLEASE TRY TO COME TO THIS SHOW WHICH IS IMPORTANT TO THE FUTURE OF OUR CAR CLUB, AND WEAR YOUR CRC SHIRTS. We certainly want to make a good showing here.

Thursday October 17 - Hollywood Corners - 4-6pm
Saturday October 19 -  Rudy's BBQ 7-10am
Thursday October 24 - Hollywood Corners - 4-6pm
Saturday October 26 - Boomerang N - cRc coffee 'n carbs +++ it is MICRO VEHICLE DAY, make it small 7a-10am
November - 2024
Saturday November 2 - Midway Deli cRc coffee 'n carbs it will be COWBOY and COWGIRL day, dress the part 7-10am
Thursday November 7 - Hollywood Corners - 4-6pm
Saturday November 9 - Goldsby field breakfast +++ Cars at Crest Market at 9
Sunday November 10 - CALLING ALL VETERANS - CRC/City of Norman Veteran Parade

Thursday November 14 - Hollywood Corners 4-6pm
Saturday November 16 - Rudy's BBQ 7-10am
Thursday November 21- Hollywood Corners - 4-6pm
Saturday November 23 - Boomerang North cRc coffee 'n carbs +++ OU vs ALABAMA at home

Saturday November 30 - Midway Deli - cRc coffee 'n carbs + pack the parking lot and break our record of 21 cars

December - 2024
Thursday December 4 - Hollywood Corners - pm
Saturday December 7 - Midway Deli  cRc coffee 'n carbs
Thursday December 12 - Hollywood corners - pm
Saturday December 14 - Boomerang cRc coffee 'n carbs breakfast+ likely date of city Christmas Parades - pm
                                        NIGHT OF FABLED CRC CHRISTMAS PARTY - details to follow
Thursday December 19 - Hollywood Corners - pm
Saturday December 21 -  Rudy's BBQ
Thursday December 26 - Hollywood Corners - pm show off that new ride Santa brought!
Saturday December 28 - Boomerang cRc coffee ' n carbs breakfast